- 2022
- Cobamil Flamb’EAU Gala: Flamb’EAU 2022 supporters: Éco-Nature for the problem of loss and degradation of wetlands and riparian environments.
- Cobamil Flamb’EAU Gala: Flamb’EAU 2022 supporters: Éco-Nature for the erosion problem.
- Winner of the Excellence tourisme de l’Alliance de l’industrie touristique du Québec Awards in the category Employee of the Year (Camille Fortin)
- 2020
- Lieutenant Governor of Quebec’s Medal “Exceptional Merit” (Jean-Lauzon, co-founder)
- Dunamis Awards, “Tourism business and investment”
- Award “Excellence in the $2M and above category” (SMQ)
- 2019
- Winner in the “Development and Innovation” category of the Excellence d’Aventure Écotourisme Québec Awards (AEQ)
- Winner of the Excellence tourisme de l’Alliance de l’industrie touristique du Québec Awards in the category “Initiative in innovation and development of the offer”
- Prix « Gardien de l’eau » (cobamil)
- 2018
- The medal of the National Assembly of Quebec is awarded to Mr. Jean Lauzon for his involvement in the Laval community.
- Dunamis Awards : “Tourism Company of the Year”
- Public award for the “Mon quartier Fleuri” competition
- Finalist in the “Good Environmental Practices” category of the Excellence d’Aventure Écotourisme Québec Awards (AEQ)
- 2017
- “Gardien de l’eau” award (Cobamil)
- Finalist for the Excellence d’Aventure Écotourisme Québec (AEQ) award in the “Quality goods and services” category
- Dunamis “Entreprise de l’année en tourisme” award
- Jury award in the “Mon quartier fleuri” contest
- 2016
- Winner of the Excellence d’Aventure Écotourisme Québec (AEQ) award in the “Good environmental practices” category
- 2015
- Winner at the Gala du Griffon d’or in the “Excellence in environmental action – Citizen component” category
- Gala Reconnaissance Laval Visages d’art Recognition Award
- 2014
- Regional winner, Dunamis competition of the Grands Prix du tourisme québécois – Laval
“Social economy enterprise” category
“Ecotourism and adventure tourism” category
- Regional winner, Dunamis competition of the Grands Prix du tourisme québécois – Laval
- 2013
- Regional winner, Dunamis competition of the Grands Prix du tourisme québécois – Laval
- “Ecotourism and adventure tourism” category
- 2011
- Finalist, Dunamis competition of the Grands Prix du tourisme québécois – Laval
- 2010
- Winner, Grand prix du tourisme québécois
“Outdoor and recreational activities” category
- Winner, Grand prix du tourisme québécois
- 2009
- Regional winner, Grands Prix du tourisme québécois
“Outdoor and recreational activities” category
- Regional winner, Grands Prix du tourisme québécois
- 2008
- Gala Reconnaissance Laval Visages d’art
Recognition award
“Eco-nature work” category
- Gala Reconnaissance Laval Visages d’art
- 2007
- Regional winner, Grands Prix du tourisme québécois
“Outdoor and adventure” category
- Regional winner, Grands Prix du tourisme québécois
- 2006
- Regional winner, Grands Prix du tourisme québécois “ Outdoor and adventure” category
- 2005
- Regional winner, Grands Prix du tourisme québécois“ Outdoor and adventure” category
- 2004
- Conseil de la culture de Ville de Laval award
“Heritage awareness” category
- Conseil de la culture de Ville de Laval award
- 2003
- Regional winner, Grands Prix du tourisme québécois“ Outdoor and adventure” category
Jury award for production excellence by Aventure Écotourisme Québec
“Good environmental practices” category - Prix national des Phénix de l’environnement, préservation, conservation et utilisation durable de la biodiversité
“Maintaining biodiversity” category
- Regional winner, Grands Prix du tourisme québécois“ Outdoor and adventure” category
- 2002
- Recognition award for landscapes from the Conseil régional de l’environnement des Laurentides
“Special mention: regional component” category
- Recognition award for landscapes from the Conseil régional de l’environnement des Laurentides
- 2001
- Gold medal winner, Grands Prix du tourisme québécois
“Outdoors and adventure, 10,000 visitors or more” category
- Gold medal winner, Grands Prix du tourisme québécois
- 2000
- Bronze medal, Grands Prix du tourisme québécois
“Outdoors and adventure, 10,000 visitors or more” category
“Contribution to economic development” award as a community organization, at the Dunamis Gala of the Chambre de commerce et de l’industrie de Laval
- Bronze medal, Grands Prix du tourisme québécois
- 1999
- The two founders of Eco-Nature were named “Achievers” by the Société Provancher d’histoire naturelle du Canada and “Essential partners” by the Fondation de la faune du Québec
- 1994
- “Wildlife conservation, associations” award from the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Faune du Québec